Opening/Closing Hours
Opening time: 08:00
Closing time: 17:00
Box Office Closing Time: 16:15
Closed Days
Address: Tatlarin Beldesi
E-mail: nevsehirmuzesi@ktb.gov.tr
Phone 1: 0384 324 65 24
Free - Open


Two churches in Tatlarin are decorated with the techniques of "secco" and "fresco." The depictions of the elements of the 13th-century wall painting techniques have been identified. In the analysis of church number two, a pigment called "Egyptian blue azurite" was found. In the apse of the first church, the depiction of Anna is positioned to the left of the Virgin Mary and Yohakim to the right, with the latter depicted seated on a throne. The Child Jesus, designated as "Emmanuel Jesus," is depicted in the small niche in the north. The preserved scenes include the crucifixion of the Prophet Jesus, women at the head of the empty tomb, the Last Supper, the Descent of the Prophet Jesus into hell, the betrayal of Judas, and the rescue of three Jewish youths from the furnace as narrated in the Torah. In addition, the preserved scenes include those of biblical scribes, doctors, saints, soldiers, angels, the church bench, and the depictions of Emperor Constantine and his mother Helena, who held the Holy Cross. The church number two is covered with two nave and gable vaults. It is separated from each other by two levels, which are connected by joints. The scenes in the frescoes, which are quite well preserved, are separated from each other by strips. One of the six scenes in the church is apocryphal, while the others are scenes from the Bible. Additionally, there are five symbolic scenes, including Deesis, Mary and Child Jesus, Emmanuel Jesus, and Mary of Blachernitissa (standing with two hands raised up, palms oriented to the audience, in orans). A total of 69 single figures are depicted in the structure. The single figure paintings depict a variety of subjects, including male and female saints, bishops, martyrs, monks, emperors and empresses, and church fathers. The scenes with a subject include the introduction to Jerusalem, the Transfiguration, the descent of the Prophet Jesus into hell, and the crucifixion. The "guiding Hodegetria Mary" scene, which comprises the figures of Mary and John the Baptist in the apse, and the scene of Deesis, which features Mary and the Child Jesus in the niche, are both well-preserved wall paintings.